Consisting of a single Troop, averaging 40 scouts and 7 leaders, Greenmount Scouts operates the traditional Patrol system.
As the Scouts move up through the section they gain the chance to be promoted to Assistant Patrol Leader and then Patrol Leader and use their skills to teacher the younger members of their Patrol.
Currently, there are eight Patrols: Swift, Cobra, Kestrel , Panther, Beaver, Falcon, Raven and Eagle.
We run a very active full programme for 40+ weeks a year with a programme arranged around the Scout badges that are available, including outdoor activities whenever possible.
The programme allows every scout, with a little help from themselves, over the four years in the Troop to gain the Chief Scouts Gold Award before moving on to Explorers.

Pike View Hike
The Troop have been taking part in the annual Pike View Hike since its inception in 2001, which we won, and repeated in 2018!.
This is an incident hike, hosted by Bibby’s Farm when the Scouts on their own in teams of four, have to navigate the route between bases where challenges are set for points, and points mean prizes!
Summer programme
In early summer, we run our ‘summer programme’ when the scouts are split into age groups and rotate through various activities, which have included kayaking, horse riding, skiing, climbing, golf, laser tag and more…
Camping is at the heart of scouting. The scouts are invited to a range of camps from weekend events run by the Group, and the District, which can include others sections; Beavers, Cubs and / or Explorers.
Plus every summer we arrange for a week long Greenfield camp (proper camping in a field with no amenities!) usually in the Lake District, sometimes we go overseas – to Wales!, or to the International Scout Centre at Kandersteg in Switzerland every four years…
In 2018, we celebrated 50 years of continuous week long Summer Camps, a great achievement by the Group, not many around who still do ‘proper’ camping, and a tradition we hope to continue….
Our Scout Leader Team
Our Scout Leader team, ranges from Primary School Teachers, Engineers and Accountants.
Richard G
Scout Leader
Rick N
Assistant Scout Leader & Group Scout Leader
Assistant Scout Leader
Assistant Scout Leader
Assistant Scout Leader
Want to get Involved?
Joining details
If your Son / Daughter is interested in joining this Section, please enter your Son’s / Daughter’s details together with a telephone number so that we can contact you to discuss the matter further.
A call for more Leaders / Helpers
A call for more Leaders / Helpers to meet the demand for young members. We currently have waiting lists for both Beavers and Cubs. If you fancy sparing a few hours each week (or occasionally) to help meet our current shortfall, contact Rick (Group Scout Leader) at