We have two Cub Packs, Powell Pack meeting on a Monday evening and Campbell Pack meeting on a Friday evening.
Each Pack has approximately 24 boys on their register. For the majority of the year the Packs are run separately competing in the various district events but the Packs do join together for various Group events, camps and major outings.
With both Packs recently recruiting new Leaders, both Packs continue to build on the successes of the previous Leaders.
During the year, the Packs hold many themed meetings.
One which the Campbell Pack held was all about carrots.
The Cubs played games using carrots, learnt about their health benefits and made carrot juice which the Cubs had to taste – many thought it tasted disgusting!
Both Packs hold Mums & Sons and Lads & Dads nights, where they play team games, go firelighting and bivouac building.
Also take part in days at the local Activity Centre including climbing and canoeing run by Scout Leaders.
Our Cub Leader Team
From Teachers to Microbiologists our Cub Team have a varity of skills ready to pass on!
Monday Cub Leader
Friday Cub Leader
Assistant Cub Leader (Friday)
Assistant Cub Leader (Monday)
Assistant Cub Leader (Monday)
The Packs aim to go camping at least once a year for a weekend. We run an annual Lads and Dads or Mums and Sons on alternate years which is always popular .
On alternate years, the Cubs are taken to London for a weekend by train staying at Baden-Powell House.
They visit sights including the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace, St Paul’s Cathedral and Downing Street for a photo stood outside No 10.
The other year, we go to the Lake District with an activity packed weekend at Great Tower Campsite.
District Competitions
Both Packs have always taken an active part in the District events e.g. First Aid Challenge competition, football competition and swimming / water challenge.

Want To Get Involved
Joining details
If your Son / Daughter is interested in joining this Section, Please and enter your Son’s / Daughter’s details together with a telephone number so that we can contact you to discuss the matter further.
A call for more Leaders / Helpers
A call for more Leaders / Helpers to meet the demand for young members. We currently have waiting lists for both Beavers and Cubs. If you fancy sparing a few hours each week (or occasionally) to help meet our current shortfall, contact Rick (Group Scout Leader) at